The BGK provides the strategies and support to assist in improving the quality of life for young people living with a congenital bowel disorder. Membership fees are kept to a minimum and help to cover the cost of the newsletter. They are payable upon joining and annually thereafter. The BGK is manned totally by volunteers.
If you join the BGK you will be able to access the world of BGK, some of which includes;
Members Events
- BGK conferences held in Sydney and video-linked to other states
- Annual BGK events and social activities, state based
- Networking support from experienced families caring for a child with Hirschsprung’s disease or anorectal malformation (imperforate anus).
- Some parents with the condition themselves are now sharing their experiences and those of their children.
- Fundraising through Everyday Hero
Online access to a wide range of intellectual property:
- Access to members.
- Access to a diverse bank of practical articles produced locally to support children born with these conditions.
- Access to private Facebook site for parents/carers and clinicians
- Access to private Faceboook site for young people with the condition
- Information packs for schools
- Living with Hirschsprung’s disease handbook
- Latest medical research
- Online newsletters